RECENT CERTIFICATION PICTURES- Click On Picture To Enlarge And Use Slidebar To Scroll Through Pictures

Vintage Certification program evolved due to the lack of recognition for unrestored cars. Many decades ago I was introduced to unrestored/survivor cars by my friend and mentor George Hughes.
The Corvette hobby had two organizations NCRS & Bloomington Gold which recognized the need and had programs, however there was a void for other unrestored makes and models at shows. Case in point, in 1996 while at the ICC Nationals I entered my unrestored 19k mile 1967 RS/SS L78 Camaro into the show. Well, just like all other events my unrestored car was judged and classified with the restored class, since no unrestored class existed. Well as luck would have it, Brett Merryman who I had previously corresponded with actually judged my car (he happens to be the original owner of a stunning unrestored 1967 Camaro). Like me he was disappointed in the current judging programs and wanted to develop an unrestored class. Brett and I set the ground work, and now 20 +years later this program has grown, to now embracing virtually all marques and models, with specific teams of judges specializing in each marque and model.
Every event & cCertification is truly a first, because our team is committed to raising the bar and discovering the pedigree and DNA of these time capsules.
Steve Shauger
Vintage Certification
Video Link:
• Encourages the preservation, status, recognition and appreciation of the unrestored vehicle.
• Offers the hobbyist the opportunity to have their Vehicle certified objectively, fairly and provides provenance and pedigree.
• Promotes and adheres to the philosophy that the original car showing wear is preferable to one that is improperly restored
• Vintage Certification™ represents a repository of factory correct standards by which the hobby and serious restorers can all benefit
• Vintage Certification™ identifies a Vehicle as having completed a thorough exhausting inspection process, which references factory standards, and at a level as established by Vintage Certification Group.
Judging Team Members
Alphabetical Order
Mike Ardito
Frank Badalson
John Ballard
Jason Billups
Marty Burke
Lloyd Costley
Rick Griffin
Dave Ingelsby
Rich Johns
Brett Merryman & Sons
Paul Martin
Steve Minore
Alex Sahely
Scott Smith
Steve Shauger
Scott Tiemann
Chris White